Hybrid On Grid Inverter

An on-grid inverter’s main job is to convert DC power generated from the PV array into usable AC power. Hybrid inverters go a step further and work with batteries to store excess power as well. In the developing world, hybrid inverters are more of a necessity to compensate for weak or intermittent grids or a lack of grid electricity all together.:

The Grid-interactive inverter consists of several hardware elements. The Grid-interactive inverter controls and monitors the connection of the electricity from the power plants. In addition, it also controls the disconnection of excess power from the plants. It ensures the dispatch of power at the peak time based on demand.

The most common, low-cost, economical, and better operation we use the Grid interactive/ connected system. This system will operate only when both solar and grid power is available & the first load feed from solar & balance will be imported from the grid. If case of excess solar power is either exported or trimmed (No export).  Based on the application of both the supply one as Main & other as Backup or as load sharing depending upon the conditions.


PV /Solar available & Grid available

PV Energy

Load supplied through PV Energy + Grid

In that case, both supply available and solar-generated power are lower than the required Load (due to low capacity of installed solar, heavy loads, space constraints for solar or due to budget issues) then the first load feeds through PV and balanced will feed on Grid supply.


PV available & Grid available

PV Energy> Load Requirement

Load supplied through PV Energy

In that case, both supplies available and solar-generated power are greater than the required Load that the complete load will feed through PV and excess supply will trim or feed to the grid.


PV Not available & Grid available

Load supplied through Grid Energy

In that case, PV/Solar Power is not available (during bad weather, at night duration, or due to maintenance of the PV System), and then the complete load will feed through grid power.


PV is Not available & Grid is not available & Emergency DG is available

Load supplied through Emergency DG set

This is the case in which electricity very essential like hospitals, offices, banks, hotels, multistory apartments, etc. and PV/Solar Power and grid power are not available then an emergency Diesel Generator (DG Set) will feed to complete the load.

Advantages of Grid-Interactive/ Connected System

  • The most commonly used and adopted model by the customer due to the working philosophy
  • You can make money by through off the generated excess power to the Grid/Government
  • Low Investment Cost
  • Will cuter the complete load during the office’s peak hours
  • Grid supply available as Backup in case of nonavailability of PV
  • Storage Battery Not required
  • No maintenance cost
  • Low Generation losses
  • Payback time is good it will return the total investment cost within 3 to 4 years (approx.)

The drawback of Grid-Interactive/ Connected System

  • Cannot store the electricity for the duration of nonavailability of PV/ solar.
  • Required grid power supply during unavailability of the PV system (like during the night, or rainy season.
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