solar rooftop yojana

Solar Rooftop Yojana: Embrace Renewable Energy Solutions

India is moving towards a greener energy future. The government is investing heavily in green projects. One major effort is the solar rooftop yojana under the Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana. This program aims to install solar panels in 10 million homes. It’s funded by the government. Also, the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana offers free electricity of up to 300 units every month. This helps families cut their power bills and helps the environment.

The government is putting a big focus on renewable energy, especially solar power. It wants to reach 500 GW of clean energy by 2030. Companies like Fenice Energy, which has worked in clean energy for over 20 years, are helping. They provide solutions like solar panels, backup power, and charging for electric vehicles. They support India’s move towards green energy.

Key Takeaways

  • The Indian government has allocated a record-breaking budget for renewable energy schemes, with a strong focus on solar energy.
  • The Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana aims to support solar rooftop installations in 10 million households through a central government subsidy.
  • The PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana will provide up to 300 units of free electricity per month, helping households save on their electricity bills.
  • The government’s focus on renewable energy, particularly residential solar programs, aligns with India’s ambitious target of achieving 500 GW of non-fossil fuel-based electricity generation by 2030.
  • Fenice Energy offers comprehensive clean energy solutions, including solar, backup systems, and EV charging, to support India’s renewable energy transition.

Understanding the Solar Rooftop Yojana

The Government of India is working on a major project. They aim to add solar panels on many rooftops across the nation. This project is part of the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana which will brighten up 10 million homes. By doing this, they also aim to lower electricity bills and promote the use of green energy in India.

Overview of the Scheme

In India, on 29 February 2024, the Cabinet agreed to the PM-Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana. This project will provide 300 units of free electricity every month to 10 million homes. The government budgeted 75,021 crore rupees for this effort. The scheme officially started on 13 February 2024. People will receive financial help for installing solar panels. They can also get loans with very low interest rates. In the end, families can save between 15,000-18,000 rupees every year.

Objectives and Goals

The Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana is a new initiative in India. It offers large government grants to power up 10 million homes with solar energy. This is not only good for homeowners and businesses, but it also helps the country. It works towards a future with less reliance on coal or oil for energy by 2030.

Benefits of Rooftop Solar Installations

Solar rooftops lessen our need for fossil fuels. With traditional energy, we must use coal. Solar panels, however, work by absorbing sunlight, which reduces our carbon footprint. This means lower electricity bills for homes and a chance to make money by selling extra power.

Reducing Electricity Bills

Making money by selling extra power to companies is helpful. It not only allows you to earn, but also reduces your bills. Although it can take up to three months to see the financial benefits, you could save Rs 6,000 annually using solar power and selling excess energy.

Promoting Sustainability

The push for solar net metering is vital for a stronger and more sustainable economy. It aligns with India’s goal to have 500 gigawatts of non-coal or oil energy by 2030.

Generating Income from Surplus Energy

Selling extra power is both advantageous and cost-effective. Despite the initial wait, it can save you money. With solar, you could save Rs 6,000 yearly, while also earning by selling additional power at Rs 3/kWh.

solar rooftop yojana: India’s Renewable Energy Landscape

In just seven years, India’s solar grid-connectivity soared from 2.63 GW to 49 GW. This growth pushed the country to the global fourth spot in solar power. Now, India is adding more solar panels quickly, going from 2.5 GW to a great 74.30 GW in nine years. It aims even higher, eyeing a future where it could have an incredible 748 GW of solar power.

Growth of the Solar Energy Sector

The Solar Rooftop Yojana played a huge role in boosting this growth. By June 2023, Indian homes had added solar panels with a total of 2.73 GW power. This area has huge possibilities. It’s thought that 25 crore Indian households could produce up to 637 GW with solar power. In a year, the solar power at homes jumped from 2 GW to 2.7 GW, showing a big move to use more solar energy.

Potential for Residential Rooftop Solar

Even with this exciting news, knowing the exact number of homes with rooftop solar is tough. While more people are using solar, putting up solar panels on roofs hasn’t kept up as quickly. It’s believed that just under a million homes in India have such solar setups. These are estimates from reliable sources like the Centre for Science and Environment in Delhi.

Key Features of the Solar Rooftop Yojana

The rooftop solar scheme offers large subsidies from the central government. These can pay for up to 60% of setup costs like modules and inverters. The amount you get changes by where you are and how big your solar system is. This makes it a good deal for everyone in India.

Streamlined Net Metering Process

Getting a net meter is easy with this program. Once you put up solar panels, it’s quick to get a net meter and a certificate. This certificate comes after a local power check. Any homeowner can get a net meter, big or small. It means more people can use solar and sell extra power to lower their bills.

Empaneled Vendor List

Only the best vendors can install solar panels through this scheme. They are picked and approved by the program. REC Ltd, the group running the scheme, has set aside a lot of money for these projects. They want to help with 10 million rooftop projects using 1.2 lakh crore.

Challenges Addressed by the Scheme

The Rooftop Solar Yojana solves problems that stop many from using solar at home. It makes solar energy subsidies easier to get, taking on issues that keep solar power from being more popular.

Increasing Consumer Awareness

The government is working hard to tell people about solar energy and the Solar Rooftop Yojana. They explain the program well and help people apply. The scheme’s website is full of useful information to guide interested individuals.

Accessible Financing Options

There’s a big subsidy for solar panels, and you can pay the rest over 10 years with the money you make selling extra power. This makes rooftop solar photovoltaic systems more affordable for many families.

Quality Assurance

Only the best installers are allowed to set up solar systems for people. They go through a tough quality check. Plus, the government is making it quicker to get the subsidy money, once approved, so you can start using solar sooner.

The Solar Rooftop Yojana tackles big issues to get more Indian families to use solar power. This helps the nation reach its renewable energy goals.


The Solar Rooftop Yojana is changing India’s approach to energy. It offers solar panel subsidies, which help people and companies use sunlight for power. This move helps the environment and saves money in the long run. It supports India’s goal to hit 500 gigawatts of non-fossil fuel energy by 2030, the largest goal worldwide.

India has seen big growth in solar energy, going from 2.63 to 49 gigawatts in just seven years. This shows how much we can do with solar power. To make it easier, the Yojana is working on lowering costs, making people more aware, and improving the process of using solar power.

By pushing solar energy, the scheme is a big step towards a cleaner, lasting future. It focuses on making solar power rebates more affordable and attractive to homeowners. This supports India’s aim to use less fossil fuels and move to greener energy sources.


What is the Solar Rooftop Yojana?

The Solar Rooftop Yojana helps install solar panels on household roofs in India. It aims to make solar energy more affordable for all. A government subsidy helps reduce the cost.

What are the key objectives of the Solar Rooftop Yojana?

Its goals include boosting renewable energy use and cutting household electricity bills. It also aims to support a greener planet and earn homeowners money by selling extra solar power.

What are the benefits of installing solar panels under the Solar Rooftop Yojana?

Installing solar panels lowers electricity costs and supports clean energy. Homeowners can also make money by selling extra solar power. This scheme tackles issues like high setup fees and lack of knowledge.

How much subsidy is available under the Solar Rooftop Yojana?

The subsidy covers up to 60% of the setup costs, including modules and inverters. The actual amount varies by location and solar unit size.

How does the net metering process work under the Solar Rooftop Yojana?

Homeowners can get a net meter after installing solar panels. This lets them sell extra solar power. It also helps cut down on their electricity bills.

Who can install solar panels under the Solar Rooftop Yojana?

Only vendors approved by the Solar Rooftop Yojana can install these solar systems. This ensures you get quality service without trouble.

How is the government increasing consumer awareness about the Solar Rooftop Yojana?

The government is spreading the word through various campaigns. They’re working to explain the scheme’s advantages and how to get started. There’s a dedicated website for easy access to info and application steps.

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